Creative Strategic
Marketing Consultancy
Elevating businesses that have a desire to do social or environmental
good through creative ideas rooted in behavioural insight
Case Studies
Emma Slade Edmondson
heads up ESE Consultancy, a creative strategic marketing agency working to elevate brands, initiatives and organisations who are looking to focus their business to harness social or environmental good.
Emma is renowned for her transformational approach and has worked with some of the UK’s biggest brands, charities and social enterprises.
“With her endless knowledge, impeccable eye and experience Emma makes sustainable fashion feel like something everybody can be part of in a really cool and accessible way - which is exactly what is should be.”
—Liv Purvis — What Olivia Did
Consultancy Services
“We’re an ambitious organisation and this has meant that our brief to Emma has been an evolving one. Emma has always dealt with this in her stride, she has a bounty of knowledge, expertise and amazing relationships at her finger tips and it's been great to tap into a network of industry experts that we wouldn’t ordinarily engage with, bringing in fresh thinking and innovation”
— Sarah Bunn — Senior Marketing Manager CRUK Retail
“Emma was the driving force behind my Let Them Eat Cake collection campaign which became a huge turning point in the recognition of my brand. Emma curated the team for Let Them Eat Cake and creatively directed the concept raised our imagery to a whole new level”
— Katie Jones — Designer and Founder of Katie Jones Knit